Gujarat High Court Recruitment 2019: Gujarat High Court has issued 10 brief notices for Gujarati and English admissions. Eligible and interested candidates can read read online and apply after the official announcement. Employment in Gujarat 2021. Employment in Gujarat Supreme Court 2021|
Recruitment in Gujarat High Court 2021
Name organization: Gujarat High Court
Job Title: Stenographer (Gujarati & English)
Total Posts: 10
Application mode: Online
Category: New post
Job location: Gujarat
Job Details
- Gujarati stenographer:01
- English Stenographer
2021 Gujarat Highcourt Recruitment education Qualification Qualifications for Employment
English stenographer:
Gujarati stenographr:
Graduate from any reputed university / institution.
The minimum typing speed is 90 words per minute.
Knowledge of computer operator
English shorthand author:
Graduated from any reputed university.
Speed of writing at least 100 words.
Knowledge of computer operator.
Age limit
Minimum: 18 years
Maximum: 35 years
How to apply
Interests & eligibles candidate’s will apply on-line from the officially websites till 04/05/2021.
Form fees
General: Rs. 500 / –
OBC / EWS / SC / ST: Rs. 250 / –
Selection process
Candidate selection is based on written test and aptitude test.
Gujarati strenographer: Rs. 44,900-1,42,400 / –
English stenographer: Rs.39,900-1,26,600 / – Rs.
Important dates
Applications Start date for submitting online applications: 20/04/2021
Last date for submission applications: 04/05/2021
Important link
Gujarat Police Model Paper PDF 2021