For low-income and low-income groups, the disease not only poses a permanent threat to their income and earning potential, but in many cases they result in a debt trap. It is too late to wait until the last moment. Health and poverty are interlinked. These families have entered into an open phase of debt poverty due to excessive supply due to catastrophic health shock.
Amotra Prime Minister MA benefits of Vratsaliya Scheme
Benefits of the card with AMROTM
Amartar Water Card Documents
Features of Mukhyamantri Amrit Yojana
Online mother card application
Chief Minister Amritam Yojana Hospital List
Water Card Hospital List
Mother card help line number
Maa Amrit Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana is an important document.
Aadhar Card
Residential proof
Bpl card
Identify proof
proof of income
Surgical operation in this regard
(1) Cardiovascular surgery (total 153 benefit packages)
(2) Neurosurgery (49 benefits package)
Burns (Total 12 Useful Packages)
(3) Poly Trauma (Not included in Auto Insurance) (Gross Profit Package)
(4) Cancer (mystery) (oncology surgery, chemotherapy and radiation oncology) (210 total benefits package)
(5) Kidney (21 in total)
(6) Neonatal diseases (Total 23 benefit packages)
Prime Minister M. AMRITAM SCHEME BPL, FAMILIES E.M. Provides high quality medical and surgical care against catastrophic diseases related to hospitalization, surgery and treatment through the team network.
Maa Amrit Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Package List
Burns and Plastic Surgery
AR rheology
Cardiac orthopedic surgery
Heart surgery
General (kidney) surgery
Neuros Ur Gary Neurology
International closure
pediatric Surgery
Myriad shock
Medical oncology
Oncol OG Radiation
Oncological surgery
Knee and hip replacement
Transplant package
Obstetrics and Gynecology
the best
general Surgery
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
general Medicine
Psychiatric disease package
Ambulance package
Pediatric Medical Management
Newborn package
bone disease
Important link
Private Hospital List